Our school has been accredited with ISA ( International School Award) by the British Council for the period of 2020-2023.


Encouraging Healthy and Fit Lifestyle At Best Delhi Private School

Maxfort encourages students to follow a healthy and fit life style. For this, the school campus provides separate pools for both junior children as well as seniors. 

The shallow pool caters to the minors where they can play around and learn to swim at the same time under the supervision of highly trained professional coaches.

Recognizing the health benefits of swimming

Swimming is a healthy sport that helps in all round fitness giving a whole body workout to the students. Strengthening the muscles, it is a good cardiovascular activity. At Maxfort, we understand that swimming also helps students to perform better academically as proven by scientific studies. The sensory learning and following of instructions adopted by children during swimming lessons helps them to repeat these skills during academic sessions too. Swimming not only teaches kids to excel individually but also as a team making them grow and mature in a better way. Swimming is a lifelong sport that one can enjoy throughout his life. Encouraging students at Maxfort to begin learning swimming in the early years of school time, we understand that it is a recreational and healthy activity that will stay with them forever.

Swimming, a part of the curriculum

Maxfort, a Delhi Private School, promotes students to participate in this healthy sport by providing all the required facilities. Swimming is part of the school curriculum with special time table assigned to this sport during the week.

Modern and well maintained Splash Pool

The swimming pool at Maxfort is fitted with modern filtration system that keeps the water clean and hygienic. The pool is maintained regularly with chlorine levels, PH, alkalinity being checked periodically and sweeping of the pool bed being done on regular basis.

Professional Coaches and Facilitators

Maxfort ensures proper mannerism and behaviour around the pool area to avoid any mishaps. Professional coaches and Facilitator In-charge are on duty throughout the working hours ensuring safety of students.

Ensuring Safety and Security of students

  • Safety and security of students is utmost priority
  • Privacy of students is well taken care of
  • Boys and girls have separate changing rooms and toilets
  • Maids and genators assist students in changing their clothes

At Maxfort students must bring swimming kit that includes swimming costume, cap, towels, extra undergarments etc during swimming classes.

Littering or intake of food or beverages or any type of misconduct is not allowed in the pool area.

The School

MaxFort Pitampura

MaxFort School Pitampura
A Day at MaxFort
“When you make the finding yourself-even if you are the last person on Earth to see the light – you will never forget it.”
Carl Sagan
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MaxFort School Pitampura
Foundation Level
Children want the same things we want. To laugh, to be challenged, to be entertained and delighted.

Dr. Seuss

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MaxFort School Pitampura
Progressive Level
The most important function of education at any level is to develop the personality of
the individual and the significance of his life to himself and to others.

Grayson Kirk

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maxfort school pitampura

Core Philosophy

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maxfort school pitampura

Max Empowerment

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Beyond Academics

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