Recognizing the significance of a child’s uniqueness as well as the value of integrity in the life of a child, we at Maxfort, have structured our education to cater to these essentials. It is our aim to nurture all dimensions of a child’s life including cognitive, creative, aesthetic, physical, social, and moral as well as spiritual and enhance the scale of motivation and the joy of learning.
Education at Maxfort, is both broad and balanced. It is directed to unfold the full potential within every child and reflects several facets of human expression, activity and experience. The daily activities at Maxfort School are planned and based on these guiding principles. They are designed around a clear and structured curriculum that challenges every child to evolve and develop holistically.
The approach of education at Maxfort, is to provide an ambience conducive to learning and stimulate among children the joy in garnering innovative knowledge and expression. The charged atmosphere at Maxfort touches the innate sense of wonder in children arousing a desire and impetus to explore and learn. Cultivating this natural curiosity of children and providing opportunities for their active engagement in the learning process lies at the heart of the daily routine at Maxfort.
The students at are involved in extra-curricular activities, stage performances and other formats that promote communication and social interaction. They are given opportunities to express their perceptions, interpretations, knowledge and insights creatively. All these guided activities at Maxfort, invigorate the innate creativity within each child. They help children in self discovery providing a first-hand comprehensive learning experience.