Ist Quarter | Between 1st April to 10th April |
IInd Quarter | Between 1st July to 10th July |
IIIrd Quarter | Between 1st Oct. to 10th Oct. |
IVth Quarter | Between 1st Jan. to 10th Jan. |
Re-admission will be allowed, subject to the availability of the seat in the concerned class. He/She shall be admitted at the discretion of the Principal on the payment of Re-admission charges and payment of all arrears of fees including the fine for late fee. Parents will kindly keep the counterfoil with them at least for the session & produce whenever required by the school for occasional reconciliation, if necessary.
If the cheque is dishonored by the bank for any reason what so ever, a penalty of Rs. 200 will be charged with fine. If the child is absent at the end of the quarter and is unable to collect the fee challan then the parents have to collect the fee challan from the school office. The parents can also collect the duplicate fee challans from the school office.