Our school has been accredited with ISA ( International School Award) by the British Council for the period of 2020-2023.


Dated: 22nd March, 2023
We are delighted to welcome you to the Maxfort family, where we impart qualitative education to young Maxfortians. We believe in regular communication and interaction as both parents and facilitators work together for the development of the child.
Following are some of the guidelines to assist you in understanding the rules and regulations of the school:

Arrival and Dispersal

  • School timings are from 7:55 a.m. to 2:10 p.m. Students are expected to reach the school by 7:55 a.m. on each working day i.e. Monday to Friday. Students reporting late will get ‘Late Arrival Stamp’ in their almanac. After three stamps, your ward will not be allowed to attend the school.
  • Early dispersal/ half day is not allowed under any circumstance.
  • Parents/or the authorized guardian are expected to carry the parents’ I-Card when they come to pick the child from the bus stop or school premises, failing which the child would not be allowed to leave.
  • In case of change of any authorized person, particulars with photograph to be given in the school’s admin. office at least 7 days in advance for issue of new I-Card against payment of ₹ 150, failing which the child would not be allowed to leave.
  • If arrangements have been made for a private conveyance to pick /drop the child from the school, it is the sole responsibility of the parents to see that the child reaches the school/ home safely. In case of van users, the onus of checking all compliances concerning registration, driving license, vehicle fitness being met by the van owner’s/drivers rests with the parents. The school will not be responsible for any lapse or mishap on the part of the van owner/driver in this regard.


  • Students are expected to wear proper school uniform with their identity card every day. They should carry the school almanac, handkerchief and a clean napkin daily. Appropriate textbooks and notebooks should be brought to school as per the timetable. Ensure that the weight of your ward’s school bag is age-appropriate and it is not overloaded.
  • Fancy haircuts are not allowed for boys and girls. Girls to make two plaits and those who have short hair, need to pin it up properly with black pins only. Application of henna (mehndi) and nail paint is strictly not allowed.

Medical and Leaves

  • Do not send your child to the school if he/she is suffering from fever, cough, cold, conjunctivitis, chicken pox, measles or any other ailment as student will be sent back home by calling parents immediately. Parents are required to submit a medical certificate duly signed by a registered medical practitioner to the respective class facilitators as soon as their ward is fit to join the school after recovery.
  • Parents must inform immediately for any kind of medical condition which may require attention by the school. Medical fitness certificate may be asked in such cases.
  • Student will get the benefit of medical leave on the day of reflection (assessment) only once a year against the submission of medical certificate.
  • A team of doctors carries out medical checkup of students twice a year.

Do’s and Don’ts ( For Students )

  • Students should bring their own books/stationery/notebooks/lunch box/water bottle as borrowing is strictly prohibited.
  • Students are not allowed to bring steel/glass bottles for safety reason.
  • For birthday celebrations, the school encourages students to distribute two sweets or one chocolate (max. ₹ 10) per child. “No packed gift will be accepted”.
  • Students are not allowed to bring cakes /gifts to the school for celebrating birthday of facilitator/any staff member or on any other occasion.
  • Students must ensure that they do not litter in their classrooms /school premises and also discourage others from doing so.
  • Students must take care of the school property. Damaging school furniture, writing on the walls of rooms, washrooms, corridors etc. or disfiguring school property will be dealt strictly.
  • Students must not engage in use of abusive language, bullying, fighting, displaying objectionable/ indecent/obscene gestures or engaging themselves in activities that cause embarrassment or harm to their fellow students. They should maintain discipline in the school premises and in the school bus.
  • Bursting of crackers or splashing of colours in the school is forbidden.
  • Students are expected to carry healthy and nutritious meals to the school. They should also carry seasonal fruits for the fruit break. Meal facility is available in the school. Junk food like chips, cold drinks etc. are not permitted in the school.
  • Encourage your ward(s) to follow a fixed schedule for study on a daily basis. They should read age- appropriate books to improve their vocabulary and reading habits. Also, written work and regular practice must be emphasized upon in order to ensure better assimilation of concepts.
  • If the student is willing to attend the PTM, he/she must be in proper school uniform.

Do’s and Don’ts ( For Parents )

  • Do not drop the tiffin box, stationery items or any other items belonging to your ward(s) during the school hours at the school gate.
  • Avoid sending your ward with any expensive/fancy/objectionable item to the school such as stationery, gold chain, earrings, watches and I-Pads etc.
  • Bringing of mobile phones is strictly prohibited. If found, same will be confiscated and will be returned only at the end of the session.
  • Parents must check the almanac every day for any information and duly sign it.
  • Entry of the parents/guardian in the school premises during working hours without prior appointment is restricted.
  • Parents can communicate with the facilitator and share their concern through almanac or through communication tab on the parent portal.
  • Both the parents are requested to regularly attend the parent facilitator interaction and all events of the school where their presence is expected at the scheduled time.
  • Parents must carry I-card as well as their ward’s almanac on the day of PTM.

Apps and Portal

  • Parents are expected to regularly check school’s website www.maxfortpitampura.com as all the documents including circulars, worksheets etc. will be uploaded on the same. No separate hardcopies will be provided. The personal login id with passwords will be provided to access the same.
  • Parents must download “Snap Homework App” and “Maxfort App” on their mobile phones from Google play store for regular update of classwork, homework and other notifications.


  • Almanac details to be filled and updated regularly.
  • In case of any leave, please inform the facilitator through the copy of format given in almanac.


  • Any change of address/phone number must be intimated to the school with a written application.
  • The school fee must be deposited by the 10th day of the starting month of every quarter i.e April, July, October and January.
  • Parents are requested not to make any changes in the school documents i.e., progress card, answer sheets etc., failing which strict action will be taken. Any changes to be made can be done by school authorities only.
  • Parents and guardian are expected to maintain the school decorum. Any kind of groupism, use of abusive language, verbal threat, derogatory remark or insulting behaviour against the school staff will be unacceptable and the school management can take appropriate action in accordance to the law.
  • For any act of serious indiscipline especially related to safety and security of others, the school reserves its right to expel the student with or without notification.

Please note the important telephone numbers:

Front Desk- 27034798/27034799/27034035/27034036
Transport in charge – 9718930000
Looking forward to your cooperation

The School

MaxFort Pitampura

MaxFort School Pitampura
A Day at MaxFort
“When you make the finding yourself-even if you are the last person on Earth to see the light – you will never forget it.”
Carl Sagan
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MaxFort School Pitampura
Foundation Level
Children want the same things we want. To laugh, to be challenged, to be entertained and delighted.

Dr. Seuss

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MaxFort School Pitampura
Progressive Level
The most important function of education at any level is to develop the personality of
the individual and the significance of his life to himself and to others.

Grayson Kirk

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maxfort school pitampura

Core Philosophy

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maxfort school pitampura

Max Empowerment

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Beyond Academics

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