Our school has been accredited with ISA ( International School Award) by the British Council for the period of 2020-2023.


The Medical Room at Maxfort School caters to small ailments and medical needs of students such as headache, toothache, stomach pain etc and provides support and management during these times. Accessible to the students throughout the day including lunch time, it provides students medication only during genuine emergencies.

Students can visit the Medical Room with permission from the facilitator. The Medical room is kept clean and hygienic and has all the required facilities to cater to emergencies.

In case, a child is already taking some medicines, the school must be informed about any change in medication being taken by the student or medical condition of the child so that it has updated information if a crisis occurs. Parents are immediately informed in case of medical conditions requiring attention by the Medical In-charge.

Regular medical and health checkups are organized for the students and their medical records are maintained by the school. Parents and students are regularly guided about various health issues, life style problems, diet and stress management.

They are also educated for improving their immunity and food habits for healthy living.

The School

MaxFort Pitampura

MaxFort School Pitampura
A Day at MaxFort
“When you make the finding yourself-even if you are the last person on Earth to see the light – you will never forget it.”
Carl Sagan
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MaxFort School Pitampura
Foundation Level
Children want the same things we want. To laugh, to be challenged, to be entertained and delighted.

Dr. Seuss

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MaxFort School Pitampura
Progressive Level
The most important function of education at any level is to develop the personality of
the individual and the significance of his life to himself and to others.

Grayson Kirk

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maxfort school pitampura

Core Philosophy

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maxfort school pitampura

Max Empowerment

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maxfort school pitampura

Beyond Academics

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