Our school has been accredited with ISA ( International School Award) by the British Council for the period of 2020-2023.


The Music Room at Maxfort School is well equipped to allow the students to tap their talent and acquire skills in this field.

Providing access to all types of musical instruments, the children learn about different aspects of the music such as rhythm, pitch, beats and notes. Teaching them both traditional and western style of Music our trained faculty helps students to appreciate both genre of music.

The children are introduced to a variety of music and learn classical Indian Raagas and Folk Music to Western Classical and even fusion. Exposure to music and learning its various intricacies makes children become sharp minded and they can easily apply the wisdom gained through music to academic learning.

Attending the music classes, the students also learn to play music in groups, as a result of which they adapt social skills such as coordination becoming more confident and smart. As the children take valuable lessons in Music, they are enriched by the vast treasure of music and take home beautiful memories to cherish.

The School

MaxFort Pitampura

MaxFort School Pitampura
A Day at MaxFort
“When you make the finding yourself-even if you are the last person on Earth to see the light – you will never forget it.”
Carl Sagan
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MaxFort School Pitampura
Foundation Level
Children want the same things we want. To laugh, to be challenged, to be entertained and delighted.

Dr. Seuss

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MaxFort School Pitampura
Progressive Level
The most important function of education at any level is to develop the personality of
the individual and the significance of his life to himself and to others.

Grayson Kirk

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maxfort school pitampura

Core Philosophy

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maxfort school pitampura

Max Empowerment

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maxfort school pitampura

Beyond Academics

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maxfort school pitampura


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